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Audiovector’s high-end speakers are renewed

Slowly but surely, Ole and Mads Klifoth, and the team at Audiovector, have launched new speaker models that have had audible improvements in sound, finish and usability. But the differences have never been as great as when Audiovector launched the new R-Series.

With improved elements, new materials, new crossovers and Freedom – grounding of the elements, the compact R1 Arreté and the floor-standing R3 Arreté convinced us big in tests.

Now the turn has come for the R6 series that replaces the SR6, and the new speaker series that overlaps the R3 in size and price, has undergone 112 changes since we last tested the SR6. Many of the experiences from the flagships R11 and R8, have found their way to the R6 series.

The flagship R6 Arreté has got Audiovector’s earthing system called Freedom, with a separate cable that earths the elements and reduces noise and potential distortion. The speaker elements have also been upgraded, the crossovers are new, and the Arreté version has the terminals mounted on a carbon fiber board.

Inside, the R6 has Audiovectors Isobaric Compound Bass System, where two bass elements are mounted vetically on the inside of the cabinet, for extra range and dynamics in the bass register.

The new speaker series will be launched in September, and consists of R6 Arreté, R6 Avantgarde and R6 Signature. The first two with AMT, and the series will be available in several cabinet versions.


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