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Technics SC-C70 MK2 gets better sound and more features

Table speakers are in general not very good. But there are exceptions. One of them is the Technics SC-C70.

Now the sequel is here, and it promises to be even better, and a little more user-friendly.

The compact table speaker is one of very few that combines streaming with a CD player.

The Technics speaker is much more than just a speaker, it is a complete stereo system in a compact box.

You get a CD player, internet radio, Bluetooth streaming, or if you have even better sound, streaming with Wi-fi over the network via ethernet.

The new MK2 version has also got AirPlay, support for Google Assistant, Chromecast built-in, and in addition to Spotify and Tidal, the facility also has Deezer integrated. DAB + and FM radio are also built-in,

The Technics system also supports multi-room sound, and the TV sound can be connected via the optical input.

The app control has also been improved, as has the Space Tune algorithm, which adjusts the sound from the system to the room with a clever calibration solution. Which is also incorporated in the SC C70 MK2.

But the sound has also improved, with a new bass element and new treble elements, as well as an improved acoustic line in front of the elements, which provides a more linear spread of the sound in the room. Technic’s special JENO circuit and the adaptive phase calibration of the sound (LAPC), are also more here.

You can also select your most commonly used audio sources with nine presets, which only require one keystroke to boot.

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