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Microsoft Edge has a smart algorithm for working with annoying notifications

Website notifications are the plague of the modern internet.Ā They usually ask permission to send alerts when new content appears, but most users find them annoying.Ā They are of no use, they only interfere with your web browsing.Ā To remedy the situation, Microsoft added a feature to its browser that automatically blocks these notifications.Ā However, there is a category of people who would still like to interact with them, so the company is changing its approach and using smart algorithms.

Microsoft said the latest version of the Edge browser (88) collects data on how users interact with these toast notifications.Ā The company will track the actions people take (allow, block, completely ignore, or reject) to create a scale of annoyance.Ā If this number is very high, Edge will automatically turn off site notifications.Ā Microsoft will begin experimenting with tweaking this feature over a period of time and will take into account user feedback.

“This should be a strong motivation for sites to follow best practices and only ask for permission to send notifications when users are most likely to agree,” says the Microsoft Edge blog.

Along with this, the developers have added other features and improvements to their browser.Ā For example, starting from version 85, Edge can send PUSH notifications even when the program is already closed.Ā In addition, the browser has learned to automatically turn off Windows 10 full-screen notifications without requiring any action from the user.