Apple has announced the next generation of the Apple TV 4K. Powered by A15 Bionic processor for faster performance, the device offers a richer entertainment experience, and with HDR10+ and Dolby Vision support, users can watch movies and other content in the best possible quality on a larger screen. The Siri Remote makes it easy to find and watch movies and TV shows, while seamless integration with other Apple devices and services turns the set-top box into a smart home control center.
The new Apple TV 4K is available in two versions. The first has only Wi-Fi as a network connection, while the second has Wi-Fi and Gigabit Ethernet. The second option also features double the internal memory (128 GB) and support for the Thread Mesh network protocol to connect more smart home accessories.
At the heart of the Apple TV 4K is the A15 Bionic chipset. The company claims that the performance of the CPU has increased by 50% compared to the previous generation. Accordingly, the response speed has increased, the animation and navigation through the interface has accelerated. The GPU performance boost was 30%, which should be noticeable in games. In addition to HDR10+ and Dolby Vision, users can enjoy Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital 7.1 and Dolby Digital 5.1 immersive surround sound.
The new Apple TV 4K with Siri Remote is now available to order from the Apple Store and official Apple partners starting at $129. The Apple TV 4K will go on sale on November 4th.