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Amazon Luna announced: New game streaming service

It is not yet known when Amazon Luna will be launched. But when the game streaming service is available, it will come to PC, Mac, Fire TV, iPhone and iPad (via web apps). An Android version is also planned later. Gamers in the United States can already sign up for a trial period . Incidentally, this is the Tempo service , about which rumors suddenly appeared last year.

In addition, it has been announced that when the game streaming service will be available, it will initially cost $ 5.99 per month. That will then be the introductory price during the early access phase. With that subscription you get access to so-called Luna Plus games (probably games that you get with a subscription, comparable to Google Stadia Pro), which can be played on two devices at the same time. Some games will soon be available in 4k and 60 fps, but that does not apply to all titles. The underlying technology is, of course, Amazon Web Services.

Amazon also says that Amazon Luna will soon offer more than a hundred games. Launch titles include Resident Evil 7, Control, Panzer Dragoon, A Plague Tale: Innocence, The Surge 2, Yooka-Laylee, GRID, Abzu and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. More titles will appear over time after launch. Amazon has also partnered with Ubisoft for a dedicated game channel. This is how the company describes it:

Players who subscribe to this channel will have access to their favorite Ubisoft titles in up to 4K resolution, mobile gameplay, and access to new titles when the channel launches like  Assassins Creed Valhalla, Far Cry 6 , and Immortals  Fenyx Rising  the same day they release . This is the first of multiple Luna game channels in development, where customers can play games from their favorite publishers and genres.

So it seems that Luna Plus is also a channel that you pay for. And if you then want to play the titles of Ubisoft, you may have to take out a separate subscription. But that’s speculation on our part.

Integration with Twitch

There is also an integration with the live streaming service Twitch, another important Amazon product. Within Amazon Luna you will soon be able to immediately see who is streaming the game in question. The other way around, there is also an integration: if you watch someone streaming, you can start the game directly from Twitch. You play the games with a keyboard and mouse or a bluetooth controller. And Amazon has also presented its own Luna controller with Amazon Alexa on board.

You connect the controller via WiFi, because according to Amazon, that provides better performance. The controller is in direct connection with the servers, which means it will soon be possible for everyone to switch screens at lightning speed (just as is now possible with Google Stadia). We now have to wait and see when Amazon Luna will come to the Netherlands. But for now, we are dealing with three major game streaming services: Amazon Luna, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and Google Stadia.

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